Speak Woman Magazine Summer 2018 Issue of Speak Woman Magazine | Page 21

At times things may not go as One of my greatest accomplish- smoothly as planned. In this music in- ments to date has to be when I was dustry you will meet a lot of people nominated for Best Female Artist who are well connected and fraudu- for the Ohio Hip Hop Awards lent. I had an independent deal situ- 2017. This definitely was a humbling ation that went south and forced me moment for me. At that point I to come back home to dropped two singles Dayton. However, in on all major stream- hindsight GOD was “I learned not to ing platforms. So to bringing me home to focus on coming back to be recognized by my Dayton as a bad thing but spend my last week state for the moves as a Positive! Now all my with my brother. He I’m making was an positive energy and hard passed due to tragic astonishing moment. work is rubbing off on the car accident and my Anytime you become community.” world shattered. nominated or men- tioned that’s exposure Through deep med- for your brand and an op- itation and long talks with GOD daily, portunity to network with I grew to have some closure and to other individuals who are overcome this challenge. I learned not working as well! to focus on coming back to Dayton as Another, accomplishment would a bad thing but as a Positive! Now all have to be the opportunity to go on my positive energy and hard work is my first tour opening up for Joey rubbing off on the community. fatts, Dsavage, Eddy Baker Cut- throat tour (the east coast leg). I’m blessed to be able to help spark the light and fire back into my brothers and sisters here at home. #DaytonUnited As an entrepreneur, you take risk. You have to leap towards oppor- tunities, but with that comes failure. 21