Speak Out in Hounslow News Jul-Sep 2013 July 2013 | Page 6

Lisa says :
Jaspaul says :
Job Opportunity : Empowerment Project Co-ordinator
speakoutinhounslow . org
Lisa says :
We are looking for someone to oversee / run our empowerment groups such as the Band , Exercise & Art Groups and think of new ones that are creative and fun . The hours are 16 each week at £ 13.56 per hour . We accept job shares . The job lasts until 31st May 2014 .
The person will need to help adults with learning disabilities learn information & skills using creative ways such as music & art that could develop and improve their lives .
You will need to have experience of running a project & working with adults with learning disabilities . The job will involve admin such as writing reports & emails . If you find these things hard we can try & get support for you .
If you are interested in the job , please contact Kirsty on 07949 076 081 . She can send you an application pack & answer any questions you have . Or see the jobs page on our website .
During my stay in hospital I had really good care from the doctors & nurses because I had a patient health passport . It explains what care needs you have & what you are nervous of . I recommend everyone has the health passport & take it when going in to hospital .
Get a blank copy of the health passport from www . speakoutinhounslow . org / passport
Jaspaul says :
I belong to a group called Rainbow Friends . It ’ s a social meet-up for lesbian gay bi & transgender people with a learning disability . We meet each month at Stonewall in Waterloo . To find out more ring me on 07944 253369 or see www . rainbowfriends . org . uk