Spartan Echo Newspaper 66.15 - Spring Recap Edition | Page 14

Tyrell Watkins/ Spartan Echo

were able to stop for a  little six-minute presentation for the crowd And they went crazy," Sanders said.

And that was it for me, I think just to have the world, not just the Hampton Roads Community or the Norfolk State community or even HBCU community to see us but to have the entire world to see you,” Sanders continued.

Since this monumental moment the trajectory of the band has changed.

“To be honest our lives have changed since that. The donations to the band and checks galore have increased,  The way people are treating us is just different and people around the state of Virginia appreciate us for representing us,” Bethea said. 

“This has an impact on enrollment and the future of the University.  We have gotten all of these gigs, just like the HBCU All-Star Battle of the Bands, and this parade has changed us For the next few years–the residual effect of this is going to be awesome and I can feel it,” Beathea continued.

The Spartan Legion made history marching into 2023.

I'm just blessed that we were the HBCU to perform. I am so proud. We're one of the younger HBCUs. So it's nice to get that recognition,” Sanders said as she described her feelings.

The “Road to Pasadena” may have been long yet was worth it. The Spartan Legion was voted the 2022 #1 HBCU Band by HBCU BUZZ and has earned more national titles since.

In late January, the City of Norfolk Economic Development Authority was notified that MacArthur Center was officially for sale. 

MacArthur Center was built in 1999. Since then it has been recognized as one of the main Downtown Norfolk attractions and contributed to development of the light rail, condominiums, hotels, apartment communities, and office towers. 

It has led to a rise in arts, culture, dining, entertainment, employment, and other activities. MacArthur has brought in consumers from all communities in the region. However, since retail has dramatically changed since 1999, MacArthur Center now needs to be “re-conceived.”

Retail has changed is due to the global pandemic. When COVID-19 started, online shopping became more popular.

Additionally, Director of Norfolk Economic Development Authority, Sean Washington states that there has been conversations on what the future of Downtown Norfolk will entail.


According to Washington, Norfolk plans on using the Downtown Plan 2030, Norfolk’s 50-year old tradition of using physical planning as the main tool for physical development, to help decide what will be best for downtown. 

The key components for the plan as of now are coastal resilience, slow traffic to improve walkability, and new development.

“We need to start to envision what the next 30 years of downtown will be for our city, and if you go backwards, it’s like the same conversation that the leadership had at that time about bringing in MacArthur mall,” Washington said.

Though MacArthur Center will have a new owner, the other downtown shopping centers will remain under their original ownership. MacArthur Center’s Regal Cinemas also has no intention to close and Washington explained that two new businesses are opening up in the mall.

Spartan News

Macarthur Center expected to fall under new ownership, what this means for Downtown Norfolk


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