Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter August Edition | Page 16
July Recap...
Work has begun on the biking murals to be installed
in downtown Sparta. Two will be completed this
summer with a third mural to follow. The murals were
designed by bicycle artist Michael Valenti of Illinois.
The murals are being painted by Julie Vornholt of
Madison. The murals are funded by a cooperative
effort between the City of Sparta and the Sparta Area
Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber held it’s first Community Bike Ride on
Sunday, July 28. Cyclists and superheroes of all ages
enjoyed biking a loop around the downtown in a safe
environment thanks to over 15 volunteers who
monitored intersections. Kudos to Sparta’s Kiwanis
Club for hosting a bicycle safety course and distributing
bike helmets. Thanks to Culvers for providing frozen
custard to the participants.
Drs Julie and Alan Domeyer celebrated the
completion of their new dental clinic with a ribbon
cutting on Friday, July 12.
Click on link or Copy and Paste
The new Sparta Family Dentistry is located in South
Pointe, Sparta's new business park. The Sparta Area
Chamber of Commerce is proud to include the
Domeyers as members.
The Chamber again hosted a great afternoon of
family activities to celebrate the 4th of July in
Memorial Park. A big thank you to the Lions Club,
the Sparta Fire Department and Emergency
Responders, the MC History Room, and the City of
Sparta for making this a big success.