Sparkle Buds Kids Magazine - 22 Nov 2020 | Page 8


Fun Facts - Body Parts

A nose is a body part that allows us to smell things . It has parts that make it work and send messages to the brain . The nose ' s parts include smell receptors and nerve connectors to receptors . In humans , the nose is on the front of the face . The power of the nose varies for animals . For example , dogs have a stronger sense of smell than humans . Your nose is very powerful and can remember up to 50,000 different scents . The nose is important to health . It filters the air breathed in , removing dust , germs , and irritants . It warms and moistens the air to keep the lungs and tubes that lead to them from drying out . The nose also contains nerve cells that help the sense of smell . When there is a problem with the nose , the whole body can suffer . For example , the stuffy nose of the common cold can make it hard to breathe , sleep , or get comfortable .

Source : Brittanica