Sparkle Buds Kids Magazine - 22 Nov 2020 | Page 5


One Nut and Two Boys

Two little boys were playing together . One little boy saw a nut on the ground . Before he could pick it , the other boy took it . The first boy demanded , " Give me the nut . It ' s mine . I only saw it first ". The other boy replied , " It ' s mine . I only took it ". This lead to a quarrel between these two little boys . Just then , a tall boy came that way . Upon seeing the quarrel between the boys , he said , " Give me the nut , and I ' ll settle your quarrel ". He split the nut into two parts . He took out the fruit-seed . He gave one half-shell to one boy and the other half-shell to the other . He put the fruit seed into his mouth and said , " This is for settling your quarrel ". MORAL : When two people quarrel someone else gains .