Sparkle Buds Kids Magazine - 22 Nov 2020 | Page 22


The Two Pots

It was a cyclonic season . There was a flood everywhere . Many houses drowned in the flood . There were a copper pot and an earthen pot in a house . Both were washed away in the flood to a river .

As the copper pot tried to swim , water got filled into the pot and the copper pot drowned . But

The copper pot called the earthen pot and said , " My friend , you are made of mud . You are so weak . Please , come near me . I ' ll save you ". The earthen pot replied , " Thank you for your kindness , my friend . But , let me swim to the bank by myself '. The earthen pot began to swim towards the bank of the river .

earthen pot reached the bank .

MORAL : Weakness is not in appearance .