Sparkle Buds Kids Magazine - 22 Nov 2020 | Page 20


Total Time Prep / Total Time : 15 min .


1 cup cream

1 / 2 cup fresh raspberries

1 / 4 cup sugar

2 tablespoons condensed milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4 cups coarsely crushed ice

3 / 4 cup salt


1 cup

Directions Using two 1-quart resealable plastic bags , place 1 bag inside the other . Place the first 5 ingredients inside the inner bag . Seal both bags , pressing out as much air as

possible .

Place the 2 bags in a medium-size resealable plastic freezer bag . Add ice and salt . Seal bag , again pressing out as much air as possible . Shake and knead the cream mixture until thickened , about 5 minutes . ( If desired , wear mittens or wrap bags in a kitchen towel while shaking to protect hands from the ice .) You can use other fruits such as cherry , chicku , mango etc instead of raspberries

Did you try it ? Send us a picture to sparklebudsfun @ gmail . com or + 91-9482256278 to win exciting prizes