Sparkfactor Capabilities Sparkfactor Capabilities | Page 5

Say hello to hello Howard
Rogers park business alliance , 2013


The Rogers Park Business Alliance needed an advertising campaign to create awareness of revitalization efforts on the Howard Street commercial corridor . The goal was to change perceptions about the neighborhood among residents and in adjacent communities . “ Hello Howard ” surprised , engaged , and transformed expectations by personifying Howard Street via local small-business owners . The campaign rolled out in the summer of 2013 featuring events , social media activity , out-of-home , and on-premise marketing .

Say hello to Howard

Lost Eras , 1511 W . Howard St .
The mysteries of time inspire your imagination . Explore them up close at Lost Eras .
HELLohoward . org
Say hello to a brand new experience . Welcome to Howard Street .
Hellohoward . org
Say hello to


Good to Go Jamaican Restaurant , 1947 W . Howard St ., Chicago
Hellohoward . oRG facebook . com / HelloHowardCHI @ HelloHowardCHI