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Parr Insurance
PaRR Insurance bRokerage , 2014
expeRTs in specialTy insuRance collecT & pRoTecT | suiTe pRoTecToR | HigH Value Homes | abouT paRR | conTacT us
PARR Insurance Brokerage provides custom lines of high-value property insurance throughout the United States . They needed a website that spoke directly to their customers . We discovered a compelling story about their core user , a highly affluent homeowner seeking dialogue on their own level . We left behind the typical insurance industry outbound marketing approach and focused on portraying Parr as a trustworthy peer and partner . As a result of our process , we created an updated signature for their logo and headshots for their team - right down to the company mascot , a Swiss Mountain Dog named Marcel .
HIGH-vaLUe HoMes youR second Home is fiRsT in youR HeaRT . expeRT seRVice is fiRsT in ouRs .
taLk to a parr eXpert
About Parr Insurance Brokerage
parr insurance brokerage was founded to protect high-net-worth individuals and families throughout the country with customized insurance coverage for fine homes and possessions . as an independent insurance agency , parr works with a national and global network of established carriers that are known experts in the industry . from offices in chicago , illinois , knowledgeable insurance professionals provide extra personal care and attention to each client , tailoring solutions and streamlining coverage to fit their precise needs .
The Parr Difference what makes parr insurance brokerage stand out from the rest ?
consIstent coMMUnIcatIon a family owned agency , our employees work closely together and are committed to building successful client relationships . we become familiar with your assets and needs , and you know who to call when you need assistance .
specIaLIZed focUs
Mark LIpskI our focus is on providing insurance solutions customized to the affluent market nationwide . it ’ s what we do every day and have done for years . mark joined the parr
HIGH toUcH team in 2010 as our we come to you . it ’ s hard to place a value on something you can ’ t see personal lines expert . first-hand . That ’ s why we make out-of-state visits to customers — to provide ask mark how the the most accurate appraisal value and coverage estimate possible . right personal line can help protect what ’ s it ’ s all about customization because in our world , one size important to you . does not fit all . parr takes a comprehensive view of exposures and tailors coverage to your particular needs .
MARK we can insure properties in multiple states . if you have more than one home , we can streamline your coverage into one comprehensive policy . parr has access to a variety of national and global insurance carriers for customized solutions .
2157 n . damen aVe ., cHicago , il 60647
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