Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 73

63. Who Made Success a Dirty Word? Too many people believe that there’s something wrong with aiming to be really successful. Too many people put down productive achievement. Too many people snicker at go – getters who set their goals and then devote themselves to realizing them. I’ve heard it a lot these days, the suggestion that if you strive for success, you must not be all that concerned with making a difference and being significant. It’s almost as if being a go – getter is incompatible with being compassionate, socially conscious and a good person. Nonsense. Here’s my take on the “success versus significance” issue: An extraordinary life contains both. The essence of life is balance. Without success, I have a sense that the best part of you will feel a little hollow. Part of what makes us human is the hunger to realize our greatest gifts and to live life fully. We were built to be great. And high achievement is simply a reflection of creativity in action. The more worthwhile things you are doing, the more of your natural creativity you are unleashing. Success is a creative act. It’s also one of the best routes to fulfillment, if blended with a healthy respect for work – life balance. I’ve found that few things feel as great as the feeling I get when I complete something worthwhile. Doing important things promotes happiness. Success awakens joy. And yet without significance, I believe that we will feel that we have walked the planet in vain. Success alone, without feeling that you’ve made a meaningful contribution, will leave the heart feeling empty. While you chase success, I urge you to stay devoted to elevating the lives You touch and leaving your world better Than you found it. There’s nothing wrong with being an elite performer and taking the steps required to become a remarkable success in this world. Success is actually a reflection of healthy self – esteem. But while you chase success, I urge you to stay devoted to elevating the lives you touch and leaving your world better than you found it. That’s the significance piece. With both, you’ll discover your greatest life.