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62 . Be Wise , Early Rise
I gave the keynote address at a conference for the leadership team of the telephone baking division of CIBC yesterday . Great group . CIBC is one of Canada ’ s leading banks and the audience was full of energy , passion and intelligence . I shared my ideas on building a high – performance culture , developing deeper relationships and the power of leading without title . Then I offered some insights on personal leadership – beginning with the imperative of getting up early if one wants to get to world class as a human being . The room fell silent . Thought I ’ d lost them .
I love connecting personally with audience members and happily stayed after my presentation to answer questions . Amazing how many people asked me what they needed to do to build the early rising habit . “ I loved your point about taking a ‘ holy hour ’ each morning – 60 minutes to feed my mind , care for my body and develop my character ,” said another . “ Life is passing by so quickly ,” noted yet another , “ I really need to start getting up earlier to get more from my days .”
It ’ s so easy to forget that our outer lives reflect our inner lives and that by getting up earlier each day to do some internal work . Our days will become dramatically better . How can you be a positive source of energy to those around you when you have no energy ? How can you develop the best in others if you haven ’ t connected with the best within yourself ? And how can you champion another person if you fail to see the champion in you ? Getting up early to do your inner work , enlarge your thinking , to sharpen your life ’ s philosophy or to review your goals is not a waste of time . That ‘ holy hour ’ infuses every remaining minute of your day with a perspective that elevates each area of your life . It ’ ll transform you . Make you better as a leader . As a parent . As a human being . Here are six practical tactics to help you get up early ( 5 a . m . is nice ):
Don ’ t eat after 7 P . M . You will sleep more deeply as well as more sweetly . It ’ s the quality , not the quantity , of sleep that ’ s most important .
Don ’ t Lounge in Bed after your alarm clock goes off . Jump out of bed and start your day . The more time you lie in bed after the alarm clock goes off , the greater the likelihood that the chatter of your mind will say something like , “ Stay in bed . Sleep a bit more . The bed is warm . You deserve it .”
Get into world – class physical condition This is a big idea . I find that when I am in excellent physical shape – working out five to six times a week and eating ultra – well – it is easy to jump out of bed at 5 a . m . or even 4 a . m . Being superbly fit is a brilliant move that will positively influence every area of your life .
Set BHAG ’ s Jim Collins coined the term “ BHAGs ,” meaning Big Hairy Audacious Goals , in his book Built to Last . Goals breathe life and energy into your days . Most people don ’ t get up early because they have no reason to . The secret of passion ( and getting up early ) is purpose . Goals inspire you and give you something to get out of bed for each morning . Taking out your journal and articulating 10 - , 5- , 30 , and 1 – year goals for the core dimensions of your life will focus your mind and drive tremendous results . It will light a fire in your belly and flood you with passion .
Set your alarm clock 30 minutes fast . I shared this point at a recent “ Awakening Best Self Weekend ,” a workshop where people come from all around the world to learn how to break through their fears and live their greatest lives . I just got an email from one participant from Spain . This little trick has completely