Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 45

Do what you like . I ’ m not a judge . But I have no plans to show up at a cuddle party any time soon . I ’ d rather work to build the bonds of humanity with those already around me by being loving to my kids and other family , kind to my friends and supportive of my teammates and clients . Just doing that would give me all the cuddles I need .
38 . The Value of Good
After I gave a speech for a major telecommunications company , a woman walked up to me with tears in her eyes . “ Robin , I ’ ve read all your books and try my best to live the kind of life you write about . But there was a man who actually lived your message . He died a few months ago . He was my dad .” She paused , and looked down the floor . “ Five thousand people showed up at my father ’ s funeral ,” she said . “ The whole town was there . I was so honored to see that .”
“ Was your dad a well – known businessperson ?” I asked . “ No ”, she replied . “ A popular politician ?” I wondered aloud . “ No ,” she whispered . “ Was your father some kind of a local celebrity ?” No Robin , he wasn ’ t all that .” “ Then why did 5000 people come to your dad ’ s funeral ?” I had to ask .
Another long pause . “ They came because my father was a man who always had a smile on his face . He was the kind of person who was always the first to help someone in need . He always treated people incredibly well and was unfailingly polite . He walked the earth ever so lightly . Five thousand people showed up at my dad ’ s funeral because he was good .”
Whatever happened to valuing being good ? Reality TV shows exhibit the worst of human behavior . We see music super stars who swear every five seconds . We read about corporate leaders who fill their pockets to buy bigger boats while share – holders lose their life savings . I love the movie Wall Street . But Gordon Geeko got it wrong : Greed isn ’ t good . Good is good .