Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 43

enthusiasm, I have no doubt that whatever the coming hours bring, you will handle them with grace, strength and a smile. Be outrageously energetic And madly alive. 36. Success Isn’t Sexy Too many leadership experts make being successful and fulfilled sound complicated. They preach the latest technique and offer the latest modality that they say will speed you to your greatest life. Take a magic pill or try the latest fad and all will be fine – life will be perfect. Nonsense. Yes, crafting an extraordinary existence takes work. Of course, getting to greatness – personally and professionally – requires sacrifices. A primary sign of maturity is the ability to give up instant gratification for a much more spectacular pleasure down the road. And true, the right thing to do is generally the hardest thing to do. But here’s the good news. With daily, consistent effort in the direction of your dreams and an application of the fundamentals of success, you really can get to the place you’ve always dreamed of getting to. Success isn’t sexy. It’s all about working the basic of excellence with a passionately consistency. I love that word. Consistency. It’s amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough. Most people give up too early. Their fears are bigger than their faith, I guess. Stick to the fundamentals that you know in your heart are true and you’ll do just fine. What are those fundamentals? Things like being positive, taking responsibility for your role in what’s not working in your life, treating people well, working hard, being an innovator rather than a follower, getting up early,