Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 10

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 10 KUM O N ST U DI E S 4 TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF STUDYING T I PS FROM T HE KUMO N CA N A DA B LO G Attention parents of high school stu- The pre-exam jitters have gotten the to new methods as you guide them on dents! Today we’re looking at ways best of all of us at one time or another. their journey to adulthood! for your teen to retain more infor- Luckily There are some things you can mation when they’re is studying for do to help your teen relax before an quizzes, tests, and exams. Using exam, like breathing exercises, yoga, these tips will help them to remem- and even meditation. And you can do No matter what student’s learning ber more in less time. As much as it together. Don’t knock it till you’ve style, using flash cards can be a we all enjoy studying, who wouldn’t tried it! good way to find out what topics they want to free up a little more time in their day? SLEEP UNDERSTAND YOUR TEEN’S LEARNING TYPE USE FLASH CARDS understand and which ones need work. Not only are the cards useful as a study tool, but the act of making the flash cards alone is extremely Everybody learns in different ways. helpful for retention. There are many It is absolutely essential that stu- For your teen to master their own other reasons to use flash cards too: dents are well-rested when writing brain, begin by understanding their exams and it’s also important to get learning type and focus study strate- sleep after studying so that knowl- gies around it. Some students retain edge can go into long-term memory information better by looking at it during REM sleep. While sleep can (visual learners), others by hearing be hard to come by when cramming it (auditory learners), and others still for an exam, another challenge is by actually writing it out (kinesthetic being able to actually fall asleep in learners). Focus on what works best the first place! for them, but don’t forget to be open • • • • They They They They are versatile are cheap are portable make learning easier STUDY ALONE AND IN GROUPS Studying alone helps minimize dis- tractions and studying in groups allows students to teach each other. Why not get the best of both worlds? This goes for most things in life, but mixing it up can help shift your frame of reference, giving your brain a fresh environment to absorb new ideas.