Spark [Kathleen_N._Daly]_Norse_Mythology_A_to_Z,_3rd_Edi | Page 18

Alvis   A lsvid   ( A lsvith ; A lsvin ; All-Swift or All- Strong)  One of the two horses that drew the Sun’s chariot through the sky. The other horse was Arvakr. The fair maiden Sol drove the pair of horses. Although they pulled the heat of the Sun, according to the poem G riminsmal , the gods placed a cool iron under their yokes to keep them comfortable. Snorri Sturluson references Alsvid and Arvakr in G ylfaginning when he tells the story of how the gods punished Mundalfari for naming his children Moon and Sun. Snorri says that it is a bellows that keeps the horses cool. A lvis   (All-Wise)  A dwarf, tricked by Thor, who was turned to stone. Alvis had come to Asgard to claim the bride (perhaps Thrud, daughter of the god Thor) whom the gods had promised him. Thor, knowing that Alvis, like many dwarfs, liked to show off his considerable knowledge, lured the dwarf into a lengthy question-and-answer game. Thor asked Alvis for alternative names for the 13 words that were most important in the lives of Viking-age Scandinavians. These names the dwarf gave accord- ing to the main groups of beings that inhabited the worlds of Norse mythology. Alvis talked as the night wore on. At dawn, the Sun, which the dwarf had called “Dvalin’s Delight,” came up and turned Alvis to stone, as was the fate of all dwarfs caught in the sunlight. The 13 words for which Alvis gave alternative names are given in the A lvissmal (The Lay of Alvis) in the P oetic E dda . They are as follows: Alvis’s Answers Thor men Aesir Vanir giants men Earth Field The Ways Ever Green heaven Heaven The Height The Weaver The Up- The Dripping   of Winds   World   Hall moon Moon Flame The Goer The The Teller     Gleamer   of Time sun Sun Orb of the The Ever The Deceiver   Sun   Bright   of Dvalin clouds Clouds Rain Hope Kites of the Water-Hope Weather   the Wind   Might wind Wind The The Wailer Roaring   Waverer   Wender calm Calm The Quiet The Hush of The Sultry The Shelter   the Winds   of the Day sea Sea The Smooth The Wave Eel Home The Deep Drink   Lying   Stuff fire woods The The Mane   Wood   of the Field night Night Darkness The The Weaver   Lightless   of Dreams Sleep’s Joy seed Grain Corn Growth The Eaten Drink Stuff ale Ale Beer The Foaming Bright Draught Fire Flame dwarves Wildfire The Biter The Wand Flame Food elves The Grower The Fair-Roof Fair Wheel Day’s Stillness The Burner Fair Limbed