Spark [J._K._Rowling]_Harry_Potter_and_the_Chamber_of_Se | Page 25


“ Th-thank you ,” said Harry , edging along the wall and sinking into his desk chair , next to Hedwig , who was asleep in her large cage . He wanted to ask , “ What are you ?” but thought it would sound too rude , so instead he said , “ Who are you ?”
“ Dobby , sir . Just Dobby . Dobby the house-elf ,” said the creature .
“ Oh — really ?” said Harry . “ Er — I don ’ t want to be rude or anything , but — this isn ’ t a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom .”
Aunt Petunia ’ s high , false laugh sounded from the living room . The elf hung his head .
“ Not that I ’ m not pleased to meet you ,” said Harry quickly , “ but , er , is there any particular reason you ’ re here ?”
“ Oh , yes , sir ,” said Dobby earnestly . “ Dobby has come to tell you , sir . . . it is difficult , sir . . . Dobby wonders where to begin . . . .” “ Sit down ,” said Harry politely , pointing at the bed . To his horror , the elf burst into tears — very noisy tears . “ S-sit down !” he wailed . “ Never . . . never ever . . .” Harry thought he heard the voices downstairs falter . “ I ’ m sorry ,” he whispered , “ I didn ’ t mean to offend you or anything —” “ Offend Dobby !” choked the elf . “ Dobby has never been asked to sit down by a wizard — like an equal —”
Harry , trying to say “ Shh !” and look comforting at the same time , ushered Dobby back onto the bed where he sat hiccoughing , looking like a large and very ugly doll . At last he managed to control himself , and sat with his great eyes fixed on Harry in an expression of watery adoration .

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