“ I ’ ve already got mine !” said Hermione brightly , pulling a tiny bottle out of her pocket and showing them the single hair inside it . “ Remember Millicent Bulstrode wrestling with me at the Dueling Club ? She left this on my robes when she was trying to strangle me ! And she ’ s gone home for Christmas — so I ’ ll just have to tell the Slytherins I ’ ve decided to come back .”
When Hermione had bustled off to check on the Polyjuice Potion again , Ron turned to Harry with a doom-laden expression .
“ Have you ever heard of a plan where so many things could go wrong ?”
But to Harry ’ s and Ron ’ s utter amazement , stage one of the operation went just as smoothly as Hermione had said . They lurked in the deserted entrance hall after Christmas tea , waiting for Crabbe and Goyle who had remained alone at the Slytherin table , shoveling down fourth helpings of trifle . Harry had perched the chocolate cakes on the end of the banisters . When they spotted Crabbe and Goyle coming out of the Great Hall , Harry and Ron hid quickly behind a suit of armor next to the front door .
“ How thick can you get ?” Ron whispered ecstatically as Crabbe gleefully pointed out the cakes to Goyle and grabbed them . Grinning stupidly , they stuffed the cakes whole into their large mouths . For a moment , both of them chewed greedily , looks of triumph on their faces . Then , without the smallest change of expression , they both keeled over backward onto the floor .
By far the hardest part was hiding them in the closet across the hall . Once they were safely stowed among the buckets and mops , Harry yanked out a couple of the bristles that covered Goyle ’ s fore-
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