Spark [Barbara_Sheen]_Steve_Jobs_(People_in_the_News)(Bo | Page 74

monitor, and speakers were all contained in a clear oval shaped case with fruit colored trim. It also had a keyboard that lit up when it was touched. The machine, which debuted in 1998, was an immediate success. By the close of the year more than 800,000 were sold. Many of the buyers were first time computer owners who were taken by the machine’s stylish design and the ease with which it fit into their home. Others were former Apple devotees, flocking back to the quirky company they once adored. Fun Facts A lthough Steve Jobs is not forthcoming about his personal life, an article on the Apple Museum website gives some fun facts about him. Here are a few: His home: A red brick home built in the 1930s. His heroes: David Packard, cofounder of Hewlett Packard; Bob Noyce, cofounder of Intel; and singer Bob Dylan. His close friends: Former California governor Jerry Brown; Lawrence J. Ellison, billionaire businessman; and his sister Mona Simpson. Favorite clothes: Jeans, black turtleneck shirts, and run- ning shoes. His car: A Mercedes-Benz. Connections to famous people: He dated singer Joan Baez; he hosted former president Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton at his home in Palo Alto and spent the night in the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House. Most Prestigious Award: National Technology Medal with Steve Wozniak from President Reagan in 1985. Information taken from Into the Future 73