SPARK 2016 Spark 2016 | Page 225

Where’s my little girl? “Come back, we miss you!” Everyone considered her to be the most amazing girl, Black tresses shining as she twirled and twirled. Life went on happily until her sixteenth year, And then all of a sudden there was only Fear. Black were her clothes, her thoughts and her room, Everything was just at a state of gloom. The habit of lying filled her life, Everywhere she set off, she was in an enormous strife. ‘Answering back’- was soon a gigantic issue, Where’s my little girl? “Come back, we miss you!” The touch of pain, the sound of crying, There was arguing, bellowing and even lying. “A form of depression”- is what they said, “She is a kind of mixed up in her hea d!” One day she walked up to us and whispered in our ears, That her own disposition was now what she feared. “None of you know what I'm going through, I've lost good friends; I've been a lost friend too. Deep down I know I deserve all the bad, I just miss the life that I once had.” Why hadn’t you spoken to us before? That’s the entire issue, Where’s my little girl? “Come back, we miss you!” Sandra Fernandes