Spanish ACAMS Today (Septiembre-Noviembre 2014) Vol. 13 No. 4 | Page 27

‘‘ ‘‘ It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. — Warren Buffett With SAFE Advanced Solutions®, SBS helps clients do things differently. Our game-changing approach to entity resolution consistently finds the bad guys that other systems miss. We screen your entire customer database for sanctions, PEPs and REPs (Reputationally Exposed Persons) found in adverse media. Daily surveillance provides a dynamic view of risk to ensure that any entity with negative news — whether veteran headliner or first-time newsmaker — is quickly identified and monitored for updates. Our patented methodology for risk ranking large databases combines with an alert scoring model to measure severity and probability while providing a hierarchy of risk. Together they pack a powerful punch that eliminates false negatives, reduces false positives and achieves the lowest hit rates imaginable. Let us show you how doing things differently will expose financial crime and mitigate reputational and compliance risk. Contact us at [email protected] or +1 631-547-5400.