Spain October 2013 | Page 9

•1 pound plum tomatoes

•1/2 small onion

•1 small green pepper

•1 small cucumber

•1 small cup of olive oil

•2 teaspoons of vinager

• 1 cup of bread soaked in water

•Small portions of diced tomatoes, red and green peppers

1: Put the tomatoes, onion, pepper, cucumber, vinager, oil and bread into a liquidizer. If you want to dilute it, add a glass of water.

2: Put the mixture into a bowl, add salt and pepper and leave the gazpacho to chill for at least an hour. If you want to eat it straight away, you can put some ice cubes in to cool it down.

3: Serve the gazpacho in soup bowls, with the portions of diced tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, onion, croutons etc on the side..
