The discussions and workshops are built around the following themes : geographical representations - looking , listening and visualising , observing and assembling material responsive to the specificities of time and place ; productive and robust disorientations of the familiar city ; designing and conceptualising the virtual laboratory ; configuring a transnational atlas of creative processes between teachers and students ; identifying ways of collaboration ; deep research into applicable VL concepts , existing platforms and new possibilities ; precarity of the moment ; photography and live media streaming as a component of performance ; examining the visual and physical nature of the “ unsupported ” mark through the use of semi-redundant projection techniques and accessible materials . Arduino design and the „ Mapping , Walking , Listening “ performance module . negotiating the subscription based software habit ; configuring the open source toolkit . Uncertainty as an artistic praxis ; conditions of uncertainty and the horizons of experience ; economic survival ; leaps into the void of not-knowing and daily praxis .
The project ’ s partners include : Hungarian University of Fine Arts , Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design of the University of Dundee , Nottingham Trent University , Jan Matejko Academy Of Fine Arts in Krakow , and the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design .