“Better heart, brain, and joint benefits WITHOUT the fishy after taste!”
Sa Gdbe t Bad Chlesterl,
Jit Pai, Md Swigs, &
Brai Fg i 30 Das r Less!
Sy ‘MGC WoD’ & Cv Box oF S
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Ivy league physicians affiliated with
Yale University believe their patented
4:1 ratio of EPA/DHA omega-3s are
the future of fatty-acid therapy and
deliver almost ‘super human’ results.
Prevention Pharmaceuticals, the
makers of Omax3® Ultra PureTM,
have decided to giveaway 1,000
boxes in a massive initiative to get
consumers to try it.
“We believe one dose of this high
performance 1.5g of omega-3 will
change your opinion of fish oil with
the dramatic results,” says Terry
Tormey, CEO of Prevention Pharmaceuticals.
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Some supplements may contain
more than just omega-3. And some
of that "extra" content you could do
without, such as saturated fats, including unwanted omega-6 fatty
acids, and toxins like mercury, lead,
and PCBs commonly found in fish.
5))=)5 )67 529)6 85-7<
Omax3® was shown in lab tests to
be 91% pure, free of bad fats and
toxins. You can prove this by freezing
your own fish oil. Put a pill of your
store bought brand of omega-3 in the
freezer overnight. Then put Omax3®
Ultra PureTM in the freezer overnight.
The difference is clear. The store
bought brand will be cloudy, even a
solid white. This is caused by the bad
723 2-17 %-1 # %67)5
fats and toxins solidifying, which your “The product works! I've had sevbody doesn’t need. Omax3® will eral surgeries on my knees and have
remain clear, which equals safety dealt with ongoing inflammation. I've
and effectiveness.
been on the product for about 3
months and it’s remarkable how
):)5 -//6 )77)5 )68/76
much better I feel," - Rick G.
The patented delivery system gives
you 1.5g per serving in just two easy
2267 22(
to swallow liquid gel capsules, comBrain specialist of 30 years,
pared to the 6-12 you would need to Dr. Joseph Maroon, stresses the imtake of a store bought formula. This portance of this formula to support
means fewer pills equals greater re- optimal brain function. “It’s vital for
sults, you can feel.
helping with mood swings, anxiety –
even depression. It nourishes the
1-48) /-67)5 %'.
brain in such a way that focus and
7236 -6, 8536
concentration improve.”
The color of the Omax3® oil shows
you its purity. The individually blister
,%50%')87-'%/ 75)1+7,
packed capsules protect against
You now get the extreme health
rancidity so there’s no fishy taste or benefits you deserve and at the
stomach upset.
lowest possible price and without the
fish burps! If you’re worried about
/-1-'%/ 78(< ,2:6
cholesterol, painful joints, poor mem-7 "25.6 )77)5 7,%1 $285
ory, or mood swings, this formula will
-6, -/ Y%/) 1-9)56-7<
help or you don’t pay for it.
78(< )68/76
Omax3® Ultra PureTM, in the clinical
2'725 )'200)1()(
study, was shown to improve choles“As a neurosurgeon I
terol in 30 days. Patients showed:
stand behind the
78% lowered cholesterol*
breakthrough of the 4:1
73% reduced triglycerides*
ratio of EPA/DHA that
makes up Omax3®. It’s
71% reduced LDL *
simply the most effective. The pharmaceutically-activated
2:)5 ,2/)67)52/
Shelly T., confirms the clinical molecule maximizes absorption. Perresults of Omax3®. "My doctor was sonally, I use Omax3® to keep my
amazed with how fast my trigly