Spaced Out Magazine Special Edition 1 | Page 12

Reduce Your Tax Bill by as Much as 75% or More! ☛ ARE YOU BEING AUDITED? ☛ ARE YOU FACING A LEVY ON YOUR WAGES, YOUR BANK ACCOUNT OR YOUR PROPERTY? ☛ DID THE IRS SEND YOU A FINAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO LEVY? The Tax Doctor, in association CALL NOW TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY! with National Tax, has reduced some of our customers’ tax bills by Call Monday-Friday 9 am-9 pm EST as much at 75%. Why pay more than you should to the IRS? 10 minutes 800-259-0280 PUT THE MONEY BACK IN YOUR POCKET. Our experts will fight for you using IRS guidelines, to stop any bank levies or wage garnishments. Plus eliminate penalties and interest…and reduce your past tax bill so you pay the IRS less. of your time could save you THOUSANDS. If you owe $10,000 or more in back taxes, don’t fight an IRS audit alone. The Tax Doctor is here to help you negotiate a lower tax bill…