Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 18

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
评论文 : 国防律师应理解的轨道动态
太空是恶劣的 , 其运作模式不同于陆地环境 。 对国防律师和 那些为长官提供操作性法律选择咨询的人士而言 , 将太空与 海上 、 沿海 、 航空系统作直接比较是一个有瑕疵的假设 。 太 空并不是均一的 。 太空领域施加了不同限制 , 并支持不同的 操作选择 。 本文的总体目标是阐明并帮助将外太空正常化 , 以便国防律师能对整体太空任务作贡献 。 通过让职业法律博 士 ( Juris Doctors ) 理解有关太空物理影响的概念 , 他们 能更好地制定用于理解操作选择的框架 。
关键词 :( 太空 ) 轨道动态 , 国防律师 , 太空 , LEO , - GEO , HEO , MEO , 职业法律博士
Luke Skywalker : Why don ’ t you outrun them ? I thought you said this thing was fast .
Han Solo : Watch your mouth , kid , or you ’ re going to find yourself floating home . We ’ ll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace ...
Obi Wan Kenobi : How long before you make the jump to lightspeed ?
Han : It ’ ll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer .
Luke : Are you kidding — at the rate they ’ re gaining ? Han : Traveling through hyperspace isn ’ t like dusting crops ...
Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope


’ ll be checking a lifelong goal off my list : quote Star Wars in an academic publication . That wasn ’ t just for a laugh . Han is right —“ Traveling through hyperspace isn ’ t like dusting crops .” Science fiction or not , there is a valuable lesson in the old smuggler ’ s statement . Space is harsh and does not operate like terrestrial environments . For the national security lawyer and those advising commanders in operational law choices , drawing direct comparisons to maritime , littoral , and air regimes is a flawed assumption . Space