Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 88

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
loss and degradation ( Drexler , 2020 ; Flint , 2015 ; Oremo , 2013 ; Young , 2008 ).
Planetary-level impacts from climate change have been observed from space for more than 40 years ; these observations are central to monitoring and understanding how the dynamics of the Earth systems work ( Durrieu & Nelson , 2013 ; Johannessen , 2009 ). Small-scale agriculture can also have planetary implications on Earth systems sustainability ( Altieri , 2008 ). This paper will examine socio-ecological systems ( SES ) impacts of climate-smart agriculture ( CSA ) adaptations of milpa farming to reframe the issue to a planetary context .
SES considers multiple integrated human and ecological factors and linkages in the agroecological system . For example , adopting CSA practices in small-scale milpa agriculture has environmental , economic , socio-cultural , adaptive technology , and governance influences on local resource sustainability ( Drexler , 2020 ; ERSI , 2008 ; Mazumdar , 2008 ). The nature of SES , especially from a planetary perspective , is inherently holistic and involves multi-disciplinary factors ( Méndez , Bacon , & Cohen , 2013 ). Applying SES principles from one small region to the larger SES can and inform reasonably foreseeable climate change impacts ( on both micro and macro levels ) and promote mitigation policies in other regions of the globe ( Uusitalo , et . al ., 2019 ), with implications on resilience and food and livelihood security in more vulnerable and marginalized communities ( Drexler , 2020 ; Tandon , 2014 ).
Planetary Sustainability

As defined

by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) the term “ planetary sustainability ” includes multi-perspectival factors ( ecological , economic , social ) includes three global visions ( NASA , 2014 ); this paper will examine the first two as they directly relate to climate change impacts on planetary sustainability : 1 . All people have access to abundant water , food and energy , as well as protection from severe storms and climate change impacts ; and 2 . All people have healthy and sustainable worldwide economic growth from renewable products and resources . Planetary sustainability also recognizes two sustainability conditions to determine safe operating space for human survival on Earth : 1 . Respecting Earth system boundaries , such as biodiversity , atmospheric composition , freshwater resources , and other planetary boundaries ( Galli & Losch , 2019 ; Rockström , et . al ., 2009 ) and 2 . Expanding our instruments and people into space ( Galli & Losch , 2019 ; Pass , et . al ., 2006 ).

Directly related to global policy toward planetary sustainability , there are 17 United National Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ), with an 18 th potential goal ( Figure 1 ) called “ Space Environment ” ( Galli & Losch , 2019 ). The SDGs demonstrate multi-perspectival and socio-ecological system symbiosis , applicable to both local and planetary levels .