Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 85

A Planetary Perspective of Earth Systems Sustainability : Reframing Climate Change Implications from Agricultural Adaptations in Maya Milpa Farming Communities in Belize
Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal • Vol . 2 , No . 1 • Fall 2020 / Winter 2021

A Planetary Perspective of Earth Systems Sustainability : Reframing Climate Change Implications from Agricultural Adaptations in Maya Milpa Farming Communities in Belize

Kristin Drexler American Public University System
In a case review of climate-smart agriculture practices in Mayan milpa farming communities in Belize ( Central America ), this paper reframes how small-scale agriculture practices can influence larger Earth systems sustainability . In what has been a sustainable form of farming for hundreds of years , the milpa has become less sustainable due to global climate change , forest loss , soil degradation , population growth , and other factors . This article reviews the findings of a 2020 study of positive socio-ecological systems ( SES ) influences — environmental , economic , socio-cultural , and technological — from climate-smart practices on local resource sustainability . SES considers several multidisciplinary linkages of human and ecological factors in the agroecological system . SES considers several multidisciplinary linkages of human and ecological factors in the agroecological system . SES influences from small-scale climate-smart agriculture ( CSA ) practices can have both micro-scale impacts as well as macro-scale implications for SES sustainability and food

security . Understanding the implications of small-scale farming on larger Earth systems can inform global climate change mitigations and government policy and action needed to promote CSA practices . This is important for the resilience of vulnerable populations such as Belizean milpa farming communities and others who rely directly on resource sustainability for their food and livelihood security .

Keywords : Climate-smart

agriculture , socio-ecological systems , planetary , milpa , sustainability

79 doi : 10.18278 / sesa . 2.1.8