Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 80

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
gesting other sectors adequately cover space industry is insubstantial at best , and a strawman at worst as any significant losses to the space industry will critically affect the United States safety , economy , and national security .
Any reasonable study should suggest other areas for future research . While this study measured space qualitatively against other CI sectors , a more detailed look could occur between space and any one other sector . Additionally , an examination could effectively measure whether CI considerations should be measured as aggregated and multiple sectors , using multiple links between the elements instead of a government liaison and commercial representative . A third and final recommendation would be to develop a metric , such as direct economic benefit , and use those considerations to provide a more detailed look into sector by sector comparison .
Overall , this study effectively used three hypotheses to demonstrate why space industry should be considered critical infrastructure by the Department of Homeland Security . This study used a qualitative comparison to demonstrate space shows more benefit to public health and safety , economic benefit , and national security than the majority of the current CI sectors . The study showed the need to establish a clear model for evaluating space infrastructure , working with federal agencies to create a body to regularly evaluate continuing need for all the CI sectors , and to include space infrastructure as a protected , and budgeted element of either CISA or DHS ’ s consolidated infrastructure list . Space poses the ultimate high ground , with the commercial incentives and U . S . Space Force elevation , we should not let this sector be bypassed simply because it has not yet been included on a governmental list .
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