Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 76

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
Overall , labelling and protecting space CI should be considered as a positive benefit for U . S . citizens and two of the three required areas for H1 , proving this hypothesis as true . Space provide safety and economic benefits with this hypothesis score for space ranking significantly ahead of more than 50 % of the remaining sectors . If this consideration alone was used , space should be added to the DHS CI listing as a funded protection area . The next hypothesis moves beyond public good to consider how space provides benefits to national security in protecting U . S . citizens from state and non-state threats .
The second hypothesis , H2 , evaluates the benefit each CI sector brings to national security . A research inconsistency emerges here as space has no subsectors to consider so received a single score in a single sector .
H2 . If space industry infrastructure is protected than significant value will be preserved to the national security outcomes for U . S . citizens .
Every aggregated section received a lower score than spaces their composite scores were averaged by the number of sectors . No aggregated sector appeared where all subsectors were assessed as having a positive benefit to national security . For the individual sectors , six sectors subjectively show importance to national security , when those scores are combined and averaged , no other section scores as high as space ’ s full point . Of note , the critical manufacturing individual sector was considered not vital to national security as the Defense Industrial Base sector is assumed to encompass any manufacturing areas which directly contribute to national security .
The seminal work by James Clay Moltz , The Politics of Space Security , suggest there are three areas where space contributes to national security ; space science and exploration , space utilities , and military applications ( Moltz , 2019 ). Advancing zero gravity manufacturing , unique experiments , and the harsh environments has directly contributed to many inventions initially featured as national security now contributing to public welfare daily . A short list of items derived from infrastructure would include solar cells , water filtration , LASIK surgery , insulin pumps , artificial limbs , camera phones , LEDs ( Green , 2019 ). Many of these items are part of a number of U . S . citizens daily life .
The second contribution for national security , space utilities , includes previously discussed areas like communications , satellite TV and global positioning . Space utilities would likely extend into networked command and control , and Earth monitoring activities short of direct military applications . Future aspects could include transmitted power , orbital manufacturing , and coordinated frequency management . In the future , the potential exists to develop habitable and self-sustaining environments in orbit , on the Moon , or as far out as Mars . Expanding humanity beyond a single biome should certainly be considered vital for national security .
The last contributing area for national security , military applications ,