Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 58

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
derstanding that there are sites on the Moon that deserve recognition and protection for their universal value to humanity .
But this builds on the concept of heritage protection awakened by Nubia and takes it to ( forgive me ) new heights both literally and figuratively . As we embark on the next stage of our evolutionary development , we have the unique opportunity to manage that development with care we never considered in the past . But of even more import to the commercial space industry , opening discussion from a place of agreement — preservation of heritage — will speed the process needed to address the uncertainty inherent in the balancing proposition required by the concept of due regard . Not to mention the fact that it will help to preserve for generations to come the sites that create a seemingly bottomless well of inspiration for space entrepreneurs and dreamers .
Finally , recognizing heritage outside the norm of sovereign territory will provide one more unique and matchless gift : the chance to recognize incredible technological achievements not as national triumphs , but human triumphs . As Neil Armstrong descended the ladder of the lunar module at Tranquility Base and planted his boot in the regolith , he completed a journey that started with a human who decided to stand up on two feet . A new journey is starting for humanity , one that is truly without boundaries ; one that should be explored outside the confines of our Earthly sovereign paradigms . We can take that first step now . Let this be our major attempt of our lifetime to assume common responsibility towards the past so as to move forward in the spirit of kinship to the future .