Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 53

Exploring Space in the Spirit of Kinship
particular , urges the implementation of an international framework that would
permit States and international organizations responsible for space resource activities to establish a safety zone , or other area based safety measure , around an area identified for a space resource activity as necessary to assure safety and to avoid any harmful interference with that space resource activity . Such safety measure shall not impede the free access , in accordance with international law , to any area of outer space by personnel , vehicles and equipment of another operator . In accordance with the area-based safety measure , a State or international organization may restrict access for a limited period of time , provided that timely public notice has been given setting out the reasons for such restriction . 69
The United States government also appears ready to endorse the concept of safety zones . In disseminating “ principles ” to guide the execution of bilateral agreements regarding space activities , the U . S . indicated that “ deconfliction of activities ” is a key goal . 70
To support this goal , the U . S .
and partner nations will provide public information regarding the location and general nature of operations which will inform the scale and scope of ‘ Safety Zones .’ Notification and coordination between partner nations to respect such safety zones will prevent harmful interference , implementing Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty and reinforcing the principle of due regard . 71
There can be no doubt that safety zones are not only a good idea , but a necessity arguably mandated by the due regard provision of the Outer Space Treaty . However , there is not clear path to implementation of such zones . The Hague Working Group urges the development of an international framework , a move , the international aspect of which is clearly supported by the Outer Space Institute and a multitude of “ distinguished signatories ” from around the world who “ urge States to present for adoption at the United Nations General Assembly , a resolution which would request UNCO- PUOS to negotiate , with all deliberate speed , a draft multilateral agreement on space resource exploration , exploitation and utilization for consideration by the
Members included “ major stakeholders from government , industry , universities , civil society and research centres .” Id .
69 Building Blocks For The Development Of An International Framework On Space Resource Activities , ¶ 11.3 ( 2019 ), https :// www . universiteitleiden . nl / binaries / content / assets / rechtsgeleerdheid / instituut-voor-publiekrecht / lucht--en-ruimterecht / space-resources / bb-thissrwg-- .
70 The Artemis Accords , NASA , https :// www . nasa . gov / specials / artemis-accords / index . html #:~: text = International % 20space % 20agencies % 20that % 20join , which % 20facilitates % 20exploration % 2C % 20 science % 2C % 20and ( last visited Sep . 7 , 2020 ).
71 Id .