Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 51

Exploring Space in the Spirit of Kinship
and engineering . Each deserves consideration as exhibiting “ outstanding universal value .” To a one they “ represent a masterpiece of human creative genius ... exhibit an important interchange of human values over a span of time ... bear a unique testimony to a civilization [ ours ] which is living ... and [ are ] an outstanding example of a ... technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates ( a ) significant stage [] in human history .” 59
Of course , humanity ’ s greatest technological achievement — putting not just one , but twelve of our own on the Moon and bringing them home safely — are memorialized on the lunar surface where six Apollo missions left behind everything from lunar modules to scientific experiments to mementos , both globally symbolic and personal . For example , Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left a golden olive branch and a tiny disc containing messages of peace from 94 nations ; Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke , left a photo of his family . The Apollo sites are a veritable treasure trove of insight into human culture , ingenuity , evolution and society .
Archaeologists tell us that “ the Apollo landing sites are not only significant because of their importance to scientific achievement but also because they are the only sited in human history that have sat frozen in time .” 60 Indeed : the “ lack of atmospheric conditions on the Moon [ have ] created ... almost perfectly preserved site [ s ] because [ they have ] dealt with little interference since ” humans last left the Moon in 1972 .” 61
Comparable sites on Earth are well-recognized and protected . In Laetoli , Tanzania , a trail of about 70 footprints , believed to be the oldest footprints of early bipedal humans are recognized as part of the Ngorongro Conservation Area as a World Heritage site , 62 having “ outstanding universal value .” In the Vézère Valley in France ,

Lascaux cave is among a network of caves preserved because , among other things , it showcases drawings made by our prehistoric ancestors . 63 In total , there are currently 1121 properties spread over 167 nations that are recognized on the World Heritage List . 64

59 Operation Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention , ¶ 77 ( July 10 , 2019 ).
60 Joseph Reynolds , Legal Implications of Protecting Historic Sites in Space , in Archaeology and Heritage of the Human Movement into Space 111 , 112 ( Beth Laura O ’ Leary & P . J . Capelotti , eds . 2015 ).
61 Joseph Reynolds , Legal Implications of Protecting Historic Sites in Space , in Archaeology and Heritage of the Human Movement into Space 111 , 112 ( Beth Laura O ’ Leary & P . J . Capelotti , eds . 2015 ).
62 United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization , Ngorongoro Conservation Area , https :// whc . unesco . org / en / list / 39 /

United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization , Prehistoric Sites and Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley , https :// whc . unesco . org / en / list / 85 .

64 United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization , World Heritage List , https :// whc . unesco . org / en / list /.