Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 49

Exploring Space in the Spirit of Kinship
cultural area of the world , on developments in architecture or technology , monumental arts , town-planning or landscape design ;
( iii ) bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared ;
( iv ) be an outstanding example of a type of building , architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates ( a ) significant stage ( s ) in human history ; ... 47
Moreover , the Heritage Guidelines anticipate the recognition of cultural landscapes : “[ c ] ultural properties [ that ] represent the “ combined works of nature and [ hu ] man . . . [ that ] are illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time , under the influence of physical constraints ... 48
C . Sites of Outstanding Universal Value on the Moon ?
It is estimated that there are more than one hundred sites on the Moon that host evidence of human behavior . 49 They each bear witness to humankind ’ s ingenuity and confirm our species as “ natural wanderers , the inheritors of an exploring ... bent that is deeply embedded in our evolutionary past .” 50 While this predisposition to explore is not unique to homo sapiens , “[ w ] hat makes us different from other expansionary species is our ability to adapt to new habitats through technology : We invent tools and devices that enable us to spread into areas for which we are not biologically adopted .” 51
Dirk Spanneman suggests that we should “ sketch human evolution as a sequence of key psychological and technological developments .” 52 Of course , it starts with the ability to walk on two limbs instead of four , freeing hands to craft tools and carry those tools , as well as food , from place to place . Other milestones include :
overcoming the fear of fire innate to animals and developing control of it as a tool ( some 300,000 years ago ): overcoming the fear of stretches of open water innate to primates ( some 60,000 + years ago ); transmission of complex
47 Id . ¶ 77 . 48 Id . ¶ 47 .
49 Michelle L . D . Hanlon , Apollo 11 Brought a Message of Peace to the Moon – but Neil and Buzz Almost Forgot to Leave it Behind , The Conversation , https :// theconversation . com / apollo-11-brought-amessage-of-peace-to-the-moon-but-neil-and-buzz-almost-forgot-to-leave-it-behind-112 851 #:~: text = More % 20than % 20one % 20hundred % 20sites & text = There % 20are % 20more % 20 than % 20a , experiments % 2C % 20they % 20hold % 20invaluable % 20data .
50 Ben R . Finney & Eric M . Jones , The Exploring Animal , in Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience 15 , 15 ( Ben R . Finney & Eric M . Jones , eds . 1985 ).
51 Ben R . Finney & Eric M . Jones , supra note 41 , 15
52 Dirk H . R . Spennemann , The Eithcs of Treading on Neil Armstrong ’ s Footprints , 20 Space Policy 279 , 283 ( 2004 ).