Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 39

Exploring Space in the Spirit of Kinship
Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal • Vol . 2 , No . 1 • Fall 2020 / Winter 2021
Exploring Space in the Spirit of Kinship
Michelle Hanlon University of Mississippi School of Law
Clearly , it has proven difficult for the international community to agree on space governance matters . However , the nations of the world have proved unanimous support of the protection of human heritage . There is no heritage more universal than lunar landing sites on the Moon , which represent both a milestone in human evolution and development , as well as the culmination of the work of humans throughout the world and throughout history . The human relationship to space is necessarily global and universal . “ The famous Earthrise image , taken by astronaut William Anders in 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission , was perhaps the most influential environmental photo ever and has taught us humility as we understand our very precious space in our solar system .” Few would argue that the site where humans first set foot on another celestial body should be recognized and protected less than any site on Earth . However , presently , the extraction and sale of space resources by private companies for their own profit . Since 2015 , the United States has been instigating — on a bipartisan basis — an effort to address a lacuna in international space law and assure that commercial space mining companies may retain such property rights in the minerals and elements they extract from the Moon and other celestial bodies , as to be able to sell the resources to others for their own profit . With this in mind , this article implores the international community , through COPUOS , to initiate important processes to include reaching agreements on how to protect humanity ’ s greatest treasure in space .
Keywords : space , exploring , kinship , space resources , international space law , property rights , minerals , elements , Moon
Explorando el espacio en el espíritu del parentesco
Claramente , ha resultado difícil para la comunidad internacional ponerse de acuerdo sobre cuestiones de gobernanza espacial . Sin embargo , las naciones del mundo han demostrado un apoyo unádoi : 10.18278 / sesa . 2.1.6