Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 23

Commentary : Elon Musk ( Space X ) Has Gone Nuts
式 。 据推测 , 该过程将涉及通过各种资源密集型计划和安装 一个或多个新型生态系统来恢复地球上现有的气候 , 大气和 地表 ”( 维基百科 , 2021 年 ) 。
预计实施马斯克的计划将需要 10,000 多枚核弹 。 核弹爆炸也 会使火星具有放射性 。 马斯克想制造的核弹将由马斯克想要 建造的 1000 艘飞船舰队运送到火星 , 类似于 2020 年 12 月 9 日爆 炸的核弹 。 这样长时间的破坏将在地球上造成 。
关键词 : 伊隆 · 马斯克 ( Elon Musk ), Space-X , 火星 , 地 形 , 核武器 , 成本 , 道德 , 法律 , 地球 。

Elon Musk , and his company SpaceX , has a plan to take control of Mars . They want to “ terraform ” the dusty red planet to make it green and livable like our Mother Earth .

The first time I can recall hearing about Terraforming Mars was years ago while on a speaking tour in Southern California . I picked up a copy of the LA Times and read an article about the Mars Society , which has dreams of moving our human civilization to this faraway planet . The article quoted Mars Society President Robert Zubrin ( a Lockheed Martin executive ) who called the Earth “ a rotting , dying , stinking planet ,” and made the case for the transformation of Mars .
Imagine the cost . Why not instead spend money to heal our lush , beautiful , colorful home ? What about the ethical considerations of humans deciding that another planet ought to be transformed for our “ use ?” What about the legal implications , as the United Nation ’ s Outer Space Treaty forbids such egotistical domination plans ?
I am immediately reminded of the Star Trek episode “ Prime Directive .” The Prime Directive , also known as Starfleet General Order 1 , the Non-Interference Directive , was the embodiment of one of Starfleet ’ s most important ethical principles : noninterference with other cultures and civilizations .
In other words , “ Do no harm .”
But Elon Musk wants to do big harm to Mars and whatever elemental life that might exist there .
In an article posted on Counter- Punch , journalism professor Karl Grossman writes that Elon Musk , founder and CEO of SpaceX , has been touting the detonation of nuclear bombs on Mars , he says , “ to transform it into an Earth-like planet .”
As Business Insider further explains , Musk “ has championed the idea of launching nuclear weapons just over Mars ’ poles since 2015 . He believes it will help warm the planet and make it more hospitable for human life .”
As space . com says : “ The explosions would vaporize a fair chunk of