Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 20

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
• She was the first civilian woman to land in an F-18 fighter aircraft on a moving aircraft carrier .
• She has successfully held executive positions in both the private and public sectors .
• She served as our ambassador to Finland , where she engaged in a war game dog fight in the air in an F-18 against the head of the Finnish Air Force ( the joust was a draw ).
• At age 10 learned how to drive a car , milk a cow , and shoe a horse .
• At age 13 , she became her family ’ s bread-winner after her father suffered a heart attack .
• Each year she writes a life-list , which has included activities such as climbing Kilimanjaro , and exploring the Grand Canyon from rim to rim .
• One of her five jobs while attending Arizona State University was a paid internship at the state legislature where she also received credit hours and worked with Sandra Day O ’ Conner , the first woman to sit on the majority leader of the state senate .
Forbes , Steve . “ The Space Force : A Conversation With United States Secretary Of The Air Force Barbara Barrett .” Steve Forbes : What ’ s Ahead , Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes , Forbes Media , November 13 , 2020 , https :// www . forbes . com / sites / steveforbes / 2020 / 11 / 13 / the-space-force-a-conversation-with-unitedstates-secretary-of-the-air-force-barbara-barrett /? sh = 152c6e1841fa
Horatio Alger Association . “ Barbara Barrett – 1999 Horatio Alger Award Winner .” YouTube , Horatio Alger Association , September 17 , 2008 , https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = BlXE9pBTd8o
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs . “ An introduction – Secretary of the U . S . Air Force , Barbara Barrett .” Edwards Air Force Base , Air Force Public Affairs , November 21 , 2019 , https :// www . edwards . af . mil / News / Article / 2022797 / an-introduc tion-secretary-of-the-air-force-barbara-m-barrett /
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs . “ SecAF discusses early influences .” Hanscom Air Force Base , Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs , November 21 , 2019 , https :// www . hanscom . af . mil / News / Article-Display / Article / 2023766 / sec af-discusses-early-influences /