Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 107

National Space Policy : International Comparison of Policy and the ‘ Gray Zone ’
ical standpoint is to improve knowledge which in-turn will improve India ’ s socioeconomics .
Although , it is imperative to understand the policy foundations of each nation , it is equally important to understand how these policies , or lack thereof , impact strategic planning . The following section will explore and analyze space strategy based on established priorities . The objective is to understand how these nations develop and implement strategy based on national interests , regional influence , and domestic survival . Furthermore , this analysis examines the strengths and weaknesses of respective strategies when factoring in Gray Zone activities .
IV . Implementation of Strategy

While , U . S . policy is focused on the peaceful use of space it imperative to recognize the threat competing powers . As such , the NSSS ( 2011 ) outlines U . S . reliance on space-based capabilities thus the need for a strategy to prevent and deter aggression within the space domain . The U . S . has focused on the incorporation of an intelligence posture into the space enterprise to assess current and emergent threats to the domain . This approach is critical to defending U . S . interests and the peaceful use of space . An example actualizing the protect and defend element of the national strategy is the creation of the Joint Task Force Space Defense ( JTF-SD ) under U . S . Space Command . The JTF-SD executes this policy and strategy through the National Space Defense Center ( NSDC ) providing protection of critical U . S . and allied space assets .

The growing number of spacefaring nations should constitute a reexamination of what happens in case of a Gray Zone conflict . The intelligence community has entered a challenging time and defining Gray Zone activity is essential for successful implementation of strategy . For example , the National Security Strategy ( NSS ) emphasizes the challenges associated with access to the space-domain . The NSS explains these challenges include the ability for governments and private organizations to access space endeavors previously unavailable . The U . S . IC must examine this unfettered access to space and its associated challenges . It requires thinking longer and harder about what is considered to be Gray Zone activity .
In comparison , China has focused its efforts on the established Space Dream . The strategy within the Space Dream is to build China into a space power in all respects ( White Paper , 2016 ). Furthermore , President Xi has implemented Chinese ideology into the Space Dream ensuring the survival of Chinese socialism . The space strategy of China is designed to influence the Chinese people by demonstrating the Chinese Communist Party is the greatest group to the run the country ( Pollpeter , 2017 ). Similar to the U . S ., China ’ s space strategy connects leaders to all facets of China ’ s business and international policies ( Bowe , 2019 ). Although , China ’ s ideology is inspired by total control , the underpinnings of how the U . S . and China implement strategy is fundamentally similar .