Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 105

National Space Policy : International Comparison of Policy and the ‘ Gray Zone ’
expand global markets , influence capitalism , extend benefits of space , and promote safe operations in space while supporting national security by integrating intelligence ( NSP , 2018 ). National leaders have recognized freedom of movement in space is not assured , thus the establishment of the NSP ( Wilson , 2017 ). The NSP provides guidelines for how the U . S . government operates in the space domain and establishes directives to carry out the strategy .
The U . S . has established a national space policy to inform the international community of the goals and objectives within the space domain . Furthermore , U . S . NSP supports the growth of the space industry , expands U . S . markets , and increases access to foreign markets . Additionally , the U . S . NSP indicates the Director of National Intelligence ( DNI ) shall “ identify and characterize current and future threats to the U . S . space mission for the purposes of enabling effective protection , deterrence , and defense ” ( U . S . NSP , 2010 , p . 14 ). However , the DNI has failed to identify intelligence requirements for the Intelligence Community related to Gray Zone activity . As stated by James Clapper ( 2010 ), “ Intelligence is not just about things and not just about places . It is about things in places .” It is imperative for the U . S . Intelligence Community to examine the developments in space and the challenges associated with those developments . The lack of foresight on Gray Zone activity causes a direct connection to the vulnerabilities in the implementation of the U . S . NSSS .
However , U . S . policy fails to identify the threshold for unacceptable activity within the space domain . Although agreements exist to promote the peaceful use of outer space , the art of war is complex . For example , China employs Gray Zone tactics to expand their campaign of influence in the South China Sea ( Brands , 2016 ). Still , the broad and ambiguous nature of the Gray Zone compels nations to define it based on the threat environment .
In direct comparison to the U . S ., China entered the “ Space Race ” for the purposes of research and development . China has not established an official national level policy , but outlined the China Space Dream . For example , Acuthan ( 2006 ) explains China ’ s space activity principles are determined by their significance and ability to protect national interests . Furthermore , identifying Gray Zone activity in the space domain would not be conducive for achieving China ’ s Space Dream .
For instance , China utilizes Gray Zone activities to strengthen its military position . For example , China ’ s continual efforts to establish control and undermine international law advanced with the creation of artificial islands and militarized facilities in the South China Sea ( Hicks , Federici , & Akiyama , 2019 ). In contrast to the U . S ., China is not attempting to gain dominance in the space domain to promote capitalism . China is attempting to dominate the space domain through regional control over commerce and economics in Asia . The Space Dream is highlighted by President Xi as an important aspect of space dominance and national rebirth ( Pollpeter , Anderson , Wilson , & Yang , 2017 ). However , becoming