Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 1, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2020 | Page 9

13. Space systems design and bioengineering [including robotics and artificial intelligence] 14. Planetary protection Original research and review of the paper should follow the APSA style guidelines [see] and all biomedical papers should conform to the ICMJE “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals” []. Recommended guidelines for the manuscript preparation should follow the following outline. Abstract Abstract is a summary of the paper with the same headings and 2 to 3 sentences for each section [purpose, background, etc.,]. Objective [purpose] One or 2 sentences [start with “to explore or discuss, or review, etc.] Background A short introduction reviewing the current knowledge base and historical background [with references]. Describe what is known and why it is important. Methods Methods include: search words and key terms, search engines, manuscript inclusion criteria [language, source, year, types of publications, etc.] rating approach, i.e. subjective rating [see discussion paper]. Note that the analysis of the strength of evidence is qualitative and subjective. Depending on the type of the submission [research, review, book, opinion, editorial etc.] methods used may be quantitative, quantitative, comparative, mixed, collaborative, action-oriented, and/or critical in substance. Results Cite the number, type and the strength of evidence of referenced publications. Information can be presented in a table format with the summation of the literature presented in columns: First author, Name of the publication, Method used [can substitute type of publication, such as systematic reviews, original research, etc.], Results, and Strength of Evidence. Provide info on the literature searches, which includes the number of references meeting the inclusion criteria, and their strength of evidence: the robustness will be defined by a qualifier such as: strong, good, fair, poor or not available]. Discussion Should address and describe the salient findings of the surveyed publications and existing knowledge base, including ix