Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 1, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2020 | Page 14

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal the public at-large. This elaborate introduction tailored for our author is well-deserved, necessary, and timely to the publication of this issue; for we are not simply publishing an inaugural issue, we are documenting a time in which incredible things are happening around us and to us. Events that are absent of clear explanations, are contradictory, or that are explained based upon ill-defined logic. Our author proposes explanations that have been flatly rejected and ridiculed in the past, but are increasingly being supported by growing evidence. As a teaser, he provides us with logical explanations around COVID-19 and other past pandemics. In fact, in an article published this past November 25, 2019, he actually predicted the Coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, juxtaposed against this chaos we have the rare opportunity to witness the transformation of a long-held scientific paradigm, to a paradigm which starkly contradicts it. This is a rare moment in history comparable to scientist Arnold Sommerfeld’s assertion that the electron orbits elliptical and adjusts to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Although we know now that electrons do not orbit the nucleus at all, early 20th century scientists were convinced this was true for many years. However, later evidence debunked his theories. I truly believe that we will witness a paradigmatic change on how we view viruses, bacteria, and pandemics, thanks to the remarkable work of our featured author. Now, a little bit about what makes scientists tick. The Curious Mind The thirst for knowledge stems from one source ... curiosity. The human race is prewired with curious instincts at birth. Behind every discovery—no matter how simple or complex, there exists a curious mind. Scientists, in particular, usually aim their curiosity toward finding solutions, making connections, seeking understanding with things that cannot be explained, or advancing already-established theories. Research scientists such as Galileo, Aristarchus, Copernicus, Sagan, Einstein and others have generously contributed to the scientific community with discoveries that have changed our lives, life around us, and life forthcoming. Their work has provided a foundation from which subsequent scientists have expanded and advanced. They are models of lifelong curiosity, careful observation, relevant questioning, fierce exploration, and fervent searchers of truth. The Really Valuable Factor is Intuition ~ Albert Einstein The particular scientists mentioned above were also considered what the science community calls “speculative” or “intuitive” scientists - those who are inspired by an experience, or who may not be necessarily thinking about their respective top- 4