Quiz Yourself and Test Your Knowledge about Space
Short Answer:
1.What is space?
2.How many planets are found in the Solar System?
3.Which universe are we living in?
4.When was the universe born?
5.Is sun a star?
6.What is evolution?
Fill in the blanks:
1.The……….. is the start of he universe.
2.Water is found in …… and ……… .
3.The biggest planet in our solar system is…… .
4.Humans can also live on…… .
1.EarthA. The hottest planet.
2.SaturnB. The blue planet.
3.MercuryC. A planet that has rings around it.
4.VenusD. The only means of living.
5.NeptuneE. The closest planet to the sun.
True and False:
1.Mars is known as the red planet.
2.Earth is the only planet with wind.
3.Monkeys have travelled to space.
4.The Solar System is 15 billion years old.