Crazy Facts about Space Continued
7. Raspberry and Rum Cloud
A cloud near the center of the Milky Way tastes like raspberry and smells like rum. This cloud is called Sagittarius B2. It contains billions of liters of alcohol.
6. Iced Planet
Gliese 436 b is an iced planet. It is entirely mad of ice and water and frozen at 439 Celsius. The ice did not evaporate because of the presence of water.
5. Dieting Sun
The sun loses billion kilograms a second because of solar winds. If this continued the sun would disappear. The sun gains back these weights by the high temperature of corona and kinetic energy through a process that is not understood at the time by the scientists.
4. Pure Diamond Planet
55 Cancri e is a planet that contains one third of its mass pure diamond. This planet is so expensive it’s worth 29 nonillion dollars. It has a temperature of 1648 degrees Celsius.