Space Chaos 1 | Page 29

Because of companies, and factories polluting the environment the Japanese corporation Shimizu responsible for the project suggested an awesome idea. If a company or a nation aids the project they will have the right to construct a receiving station anywhere they want that supplies them with solar power. That will completely save the environment from more pollution.

Shimizu proposed that the project could not be accomplished soon, due to old technology. The project will be worked on in 2035 when technology is up to date. The technology needed to transmit and receive will be completely improved than the ones we have nowadays. There are other details like who would clean the solar panels on the moon, and the times, but this is too early to talk about it at the moment. If this project is achieved it would be the biggest accomplishments that have every happened by human. It is a very big project, but we as humans are bigger and we can do it. The New Solar Power project needs lots of : time, hard work, resources, and money. But they can all be covered by the cooperation of the whole world. Funds should be given to the corporation to cover all the financial issues. Volunteers should also talk with Shimizu to check if they can do anything to help. We should all help and not have the mentality that only japan is benefiting from this project. All humans on earth are taking something good out of it. For example a clean ozone and environment, that itself is a gain.

O'Neil, Ian. "How to Turn the Moon Into a Giant Space Solar Power Hub." N.p., 3 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.

"Luna Ring: Japan's New Lunar Solar Panels Could Turn The Moon Into A Power Station." The Huffington Post UK. N.p., 4 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.

Rogers, Stephanie. "What Is Green Energy?" MNN. N.p., 25 July 2012. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.