Space & Autographs Auction Space & Autographs Auction Jan. 2014 | Page 8

Terms of Sale Regency-Superior, Ltd. The Property described in this catalog is offered at Public Auction by Regency-Superior, Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘Auctioneer’), on behalf of various consignors and itself. Regency-Superior is a licensed auctioneer. The placing of a bid shall constitute acceptance of all the Terms of Sale in their entirety: 1. Bidding All lots are sold to the highest bidder at one advance over the second highest bid (or the opening minimum bid), plus a 19% buyer's premium. In the case of tie bids, the first bid received shall prevail. Bids may be made in person on the auction floor, by mail, telephone, fax, website, email, or by agent. Current catalog values (where possible) are used for all material, unless otherwise noted. You may speak with one of our lot describers for a more detailed description of a particular lot. Please call at least 72 hours prior to the sale (1-800-782-0066). 2. 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