SPA UK Sandesh 2015 | Page 14



Namaste and Jai shree Krishna

‘‘ Many of you will know of Prajapatis who were involved in the two great World Wars ...’’

Celebrating our venerable organisation ’ s 40th Anniversary is a great milestone . I pay tribute to our founding fathers / mothers and we must not forget all those who have contributed in various ways – some in a public fashion and thousands more unsung heroes in the background ….. happy to sweep , cook for the hundreds , etc . has to offer – ‘ same old ’ activities , staid organisation . Worse still , when the brave few do join , they become disillusioned by the entrenched committee who do little to embrace change . We fight hard to maintain what was , however the world , including our parent ’ s motherland , is changing at an alarming rate – not always for the better but there is incremental progress .
Beyond the achievements of 40 years , let us allow history to put matters into perspective . Our association with the British Empire is well recorded – Indian soldiers fought on the frontline in 1815 with the Duke of Wellington to defeat Napoleon . Many of you will know of Prajapatis who were involved in the two great World Wars . The freedom we enjoy today in the UK is thanks to the sacrifices of many - whether to fight for Europe ’ s freedom from French or German tyranny or the fight for Indian Independence . We came as economic migrants , many as refugees such as those from Uganda who had to live in camp sites - in fact , their first Diwali in the UK was on a rain sodden , bitterly cold Army camp with their worldly possessions in a small suitcase . No fine sarees or mithai that day . This is no different to what is happening in Europe with the refugee crisis . And now look around you ……. we have succeeded thanks to our work ethics and the opportunities this country provided .
SPA UK ’ s achievements are considerable ; however let us question ourselves as to whether we have made progress recently in step with society . Our members ’ individual successes , many in professional fields , have allowed them to explore a world beyond the Samaj – often more appealing . These same members then judge us with a new perspective , what the Samaj

‘‘ Be brave , allow others to drive change – they are in tune with today ’ s needs / best practices and have financial acumen to admire ...’’

Let us also celebrate the fact that we have enjoyed time in the UK thanks to economic and political stability under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II , the UK ’ s longest serving monarch for over 63 years . Relatively , our 40 years as an organisation is a small passage of time – one can argue we are still under-going embryonic pains .
It is a British trait to preserve , maintain and celebrate - the difference is they achieve this without much ego . I have made this appeal before – more pointedly to long serving trustees – be brave , allow others to drive change – they are in tune with today ’ s needs / best practices and have financial acumen to admire - let them make mistakes , guide them but do not be overbearing . They are your children after all . Do anything else and they will abandon you , the society and the Samaj - in years , there will be no Samaj as we will not have addressed the needs of the current generation . And just like the Queen , we need our long serving Trustees to be a-political . Don ’ t elect those of your mould – you had your time . Have faith and give way .
As always , I am inspired by the passion of our members and it ’ s a joy to serve you . I wish you a blessed Diwali , surrounded by your loved ones and a joyous New Year .
Kiran D . Mistry MBA – Public Relations Officer , SPA ( UK )
e : kiran . mistry @ colop . co . uk