SPA UK Sandesh 2014 | Page 36

D oshas Essence of Health & Wellbeing Discomfort is created when one or more doshas become unbalanced. Proactive assessment/care of doshas helps maintain health and wellbeing! Have you ever wondered what an Ayurved practitioner assesses when he or she checks your pulse on the wrist? The practitioner actually evaluates the level of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dominant in your body. Vata, pitta and kapha are known as the ‘Doshas’. This is the basis of all Ayurvedic treatment. It is good to develop an understanding about doshas and its effects on the body. This article provides the basic concepts about doshas from which one may develop further knowledge! So what are the doshas and their significance? Vata, Pitta and Kapha (V-P-K), are called doshas, and they are the biological energies found throughout the body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes. As a result they provide a person’s internal body intelligence and the blueprint for health and wellbeing. It also helps to explain why people have different characteristics; i.e. calm, cool, graceful, hyperactive, sharp, etc. Ayurveda says that everything in the universe, including humans, are composed of the five elements; earth, water, fire, air and space (ether). Each of the three doshas are formed out of different combinations of these five elements. It is important to realise that the doshas are dynamic and they constantly change with your lifestyle, food habits, 34 How do you find your dosha? season, time of the day/night and your age. The doshas are also affected by thoughts on your mind and your emotions too (that is the feeling of happiness or sadness). Ayurved sorts everyone into these three doshas, or constitution. Ayurved uses your doshas to prescribe lifestyle, food, medicine that will help to balance your energies, and hence improve your health and wellbeing. These reasons provide sufficient indication as to why doshas are so fundamental, and why they have been accorded the highest significance in Ayurveda. By placing your first three fingers on the artery just below the wrist as shown in the photograph, you will feel pulse sensation on the three finger tips. Either wrist can be used for this purpose. Training, guidance and experience is required for detecting doshas. However, with guidance V P K