Your Feedback
Thank you to everyone who sent feedback on last year’s Sandesh
(Vol 38, 2013). Here are just a few highlights:
I must congratulate you and your team for the production of excellent annual brochure of
our Samaj.
The production, graphics and glamour were outstanding, and I can see the devotion that
must have gone into such excellent production.
It would appear that because of its size and weight, it must have been meant to be
hand distributed only as postage costs would be phenomenal. This must mean that
its distribution would be limited. In my humble suggestion, one should aim for a wider
In the meantime keep up the good job.
It may be a good idea if our youths are asked to subscribe on a given topic; e.g. what are the
advantages of caste based association? Does mixed race marriage work? How has religion
helped me in my day to day life? etc.
You are gathering excellent material for a future sociologists to write a thesis on caste
based associations in the first 25 years of the 21st century.
Yours sincerely
Gulabbhai Morarji Mistry, aged 76, retired (Degam, India), 145 Salmon Street, London NW9 8NG
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