So you want to start a family?
By Pratik Mistry, S. Yorkshire Adoption Board member & proud father,
07875 379492 [email protected]
You’ve been married for a few years now, however you both feel a bit sad every time you see a
small baby or know friends or family members who are pregnant and having children. Although you
are very happy for them, the thought is always there in your minds, when will this happen to us?
It’s an emotional roll-a-coaster for couples and can be very stressful.
Medical issues aside, if several IVF treatments are unsuccessful,
what is your alternative? It is then that some couples think about
the notion of adoption.
Adoption is still a taboo subject amongst the wider Asian com-
munity. Some of the questions that come
to mind are: What will my extended family,
friends or community say? Will the child
look like us? Will the child share the same
religious background as us? Will the child’s
birth parents be in contact with the child?
This is not an exhaustive list.
You can talk to your local social services or
family or friends who has adopted a child.
Don’t suffer in silence! The love and care
a couple can provide to a child is price-
less. The child will get your heritage, your
sanskar, your beliefs and values but most
important, all your love and care.
more complicated and the whole process typically cost c£20,000
with no guarantees. Adopting a child from India through wider
family contacts will only cause further delay if the strict process
and procedures have not been met thus delaying passport issue
and exit visas to UK. The process in the
UK is quite straight forward and typically
takes one year to complete before couples
get onto the adopters list with a view to
get matched to a child.
The journey of
becoming an
adoptive parent
can be rocky, full
of highs and lows
and emotionally
challenging but
the reward is life
Let me explain some of the myths around
“We can go to India and adopt a child” – well there is a defined
process for adopting a child whether from India or locally in
the UK. Until recently this has typically taken around 2-3 years
from the start of the process to a child coming home. Currently,
through informed sources, adoption through India has become
There are over 200+ happy families from
Asian backgrounds who have adopted
children either from India or locally within
the UK and as well as giving love and care
for that child, in turn that child has made
the couple a complete family. As you
know Lord Krishna, Karna were adopted
so Hindu scriptures have already paved
a way if ever there was a need for a point
to be made. It is a question of NATURE
versus NURTURE. It is about what you
can give but more importantly what you
get back. The journey of becoming an
adoptive parent can be rocky, full of highs and lows and emotion-
ally challenging but the reward is life changing. Remember there
is plenty of help out there…You just need to seek it - the choice is
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