Southwest Highways March 2013 | Page 4

3 Southwest Highways & Fields

In Texas, grass and wildflowers are popping up from the warming ground, the birds are beginning to migrate, and the warm spring breeze slowly blows by on a warm afternoon. Spring is well on it's way. Up in the mountains, the snow still prevails. March is a month of sharp contrasts between the Colorado Highlands and the Texas Prairie. Even in a single location, you can be loafing on the porch on a calm, 80 degree day, and a cold front will blow through, bringing cold, wet weather, and back to sun again just as quickly. For some, March is the month where the hope of spring shines through the snowclouds, making us anxious for roads to become passable and hiking to be enjoyable. Whether spring is already in full bloom, or you're gazing out at two feet of snow, this third issue of Southwest Highways & Fields should have you planning that Spring Fever Road Trip you've been thinking about since December. I've redesigned the Campfire Outdoors Guide to make it more visually appealing and a better overview of activities in each state, and I finally started to include Colorado and Utah as well!

-Eamon Decker, Editor

[email protected]

Editor's Letter

Eamon Decker